罗川 |
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罗川 男,汉族,博士,四川成都人,。 2018年06月毕业于南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,主要研究方向为自然环境变化的水环境效应。 一、研究与实践经历 1.参与导师课题“太湖地区典型湖库型饮用水源地流域氮磷输移过程模拟与调控研究”的研究,完成博士论文 2.参与导师课题“流域土地利用景观格局对营养盐输出影响研究-以太湖上游西苕溪流域为例”的后续工作,并发表相关论文 3.参与导师课题“太湖上游典型湖泊-流域复合系统水环境响应与调控”的后续工作,并发表相关论文 4.多次担任助理教师协助导师开展本科生GIS和RS实验课程,并参与授课 二、发表论文(博士期间) 1. Luo, C., Z. Li, et al. (2017). "Comprehensive study on parameter sensitivity for flow and nutrient modeling in the Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran model." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 20982–20994. 2. Luo, C., Z. Li, et al. (2015). "Evaluation of the AnnAGNPS Model for Predicting Runoff and Nutrient Export in a Typical Small Watershed in the Hilly Region of Taihu Lake." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(9): 10955-10973. 3. 罗川, 李兆富, 等(2014). "HSPF模型水文水质参数敏感性分析." 农业环境科学学报 33(10): 1995-2002. 4. Li, Zhaofu, Luo, Chuan, et al. (2017) "Comprehensive performance evaluation for hydrological and nutrients simulation using the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran in a mesoscale monsoon watershed, China." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(12). 5.Li, Zhaofu, Liu, Hongyu, Luo, Chuan, et al. (2015). "Simulation of runoff and nutrient export from a typical small watershed in China using the Hydrological Simulation Program–Fortran." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22(10): 7954-7966. 6. Li, Zhaofu and Luo, Chuan (2014). "Assessment of the AnnAGNPSmodel in simulating runoff and nutrients in a typical small watershed in the Taihu Lake basin, China." Catena 133: 349-361. 7.Li, Zhaofu, Liu, Hongyu, Luo, Chuan, et al. et al. (2014). "Industrial Wastewater Discharge Retrieval Based on Stable Nighttime Light Imagery in China from 1992 to 2010." Remote Sensing 6(8): 7566-7579. |