姜英 |
来源: 时间:19-11-26 22:07:58 点击率: |
姜 英 女,毕业于四川师范大学环境科学专业。曾任职于美姑县拉木阿觉工业园区管委会主任,2017年2月入职于西昌学院资源与环境学院。主要担任《环境影响评价技术导则与标准》和《工业工程分析》两门课程教学工作。 一、教学科研情况 国家自然科学基金项目,一般项目,51079166,《吸附轻稀土离子的木纤维固化单宁合成方法》,2011/01-2014-/12,已结题,主研。 二、发表论文 1.姜英,黄杵睿,兰婷,李妍,江世文,赵仕林. 稀土矿山废弃渣中稀土资源的回收研究[J]. 四川师范大学理科学报(自然科学版), 2013, 3(36) 2.YueYue Shen,Ying Jiang act.Leaching of Light Rare Earth Elements from Sichuan Bastnaesite: A Facile Process to Leach Trivalent Rare Earth Elements Selectively from Tetravalent Cerium.JOM,2017 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.(SCI) 3.Chu-rui HUANG、Yang LIAO、Ying JIANG act. Adsorption Resin Prepared by Biomass with Rich Tannins as an Effective Adsorbent of Rare Earth Ions in Aqueous Solutions.2011 IEEE International Conference on Waste Recycling,Ecology and Environment.IC307-T1P379.(ISTP收录) 4.Ting Lan, Ting Zhao, Yan Li, Chu-rui Huang, Ying Jiang,Shi-lin Zhao. Preparation of a Novel Organic Slow Release Fertilizer Based on Manure Garbage and Application in Rice Cultivation.IEEE International Conference on Waste Recycling, Ecology and Environment. 2011: 672-675 (EI) |